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Susan, a Registered Dental Hygienist, has enjoyed 17 years with Ferguson Family Dentistry, making a total of 25 years experience in her profession. Originally from Russell County, she received her degree in Dental Hygiene from East Tennessee State University. When Susan is not in the office you'll find her cheering on her two sons at numerous sporting activities, or on the farm with her fiancé and their 5 children, not to mention all the 4-legged family members including cats, dogs, horses, cows and ponies.
'Bec' is a graduate of Wytheville Community College and earned her Associates Degree in Applied Science in Dental Hygiene in 2008. She has enjoyed over 5 years with the practice. Bec also enjoys life with her husband and their two Boxers. Her leisure time is spent hunting, target practicing and crafting.
A native of Lebanon, VA, Dr. Justin Ferguson received his undergraduate degree from the University of Tennessee with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Psychology. He went on to earn his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Dentistry in 2004. After receiving his education, Dr. Ferguson returned to his hometown to practice dentistry where he owns and operates Ferguson Family Dentistry. When he's not in the office, Dr. Ferguson can be found on the ball field, coaching little league, and spending time with his four sons and his wife, Dr. Julie Starnes Ferguson.